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Agriculture | n. m.
an olive tree variety of low robustness, upright bearing, average crown density and elliptical-shaped lanceolate leaves, characterized by its resistance to cold and drought, high sensitivity to olive leaf spot, verticillium wilt and olive knot, susceptibility to olive fly, average precocious cropping and high productivity; its fruits show high resistance to detachment, which hampers mechanized harvest.


The simultaneous grafting and rooting under mist-propagation of Cornicabra olive trees [...] is a propagation technique which, although it is difficult to achieve, produces a remarkable increase in the tolerance to the referred disease in this variety.

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Agriculture | n. m.
the olive fruit the namesake variety, characterized by its an average weight, a spherical shape, a pointed apex with no nipple, wine-red colour when ripe, high fat yield, and dual purpose variety.


Cornicabra olives are very usual in the area of Castilla-La Mancha and they give oil with strong and very aromatic flavours.

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Agriculture | n. m.
olive oil manufactured with olives the namesake variety, characterized by a not too sweet, very fruity, and predominantly bitter and pungent taste, with high oleic acid content, low linoleic acid content, average polyphenol content and high stability.


Use cornicabra oil straight the bottle on gazpachos, in warm potatoe or bean salad, or for braised green vegetables, sautéed fish or chicken, or escabeches.

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