See +


Agriculture | n. phr.
an insect considered as an olive tree plague which breeds in the timber resulting from pruning and which in adulthood is a small blackish beetle that colonises olive-trees and digs galleries inside young branches, thus causing them to dry out.


[The solution] also detours many bark boring beetles and flies from "boring" into the trunks and bark and laying eggs which some end up being called apple maggots.

See Sources

Alternative forms

Phoeotribus scarabeoides [Botánica]

Additional information

The presence of the bark-boring beetle may be prevented by bringing pruning forward as much as possible and by removing the pruning remains from the fields as soon as possible so as to avoid beetles from laying eggs. Bait sticks may also be placed under olive-trees and then burnt. In case of infection, it is advisable to spray olive-trees with wood-soaking products.