See +


Agriculture | n. phr.
Olive grove of a density of over 2000 olive trees/ha, where trees take the form of hedges and are located in flat to moderate slope fields. It is irrigated and takes complete harvesting by means of mechanical harvesters. It comes into production very early and has a short-term high performance.


And in the case of higher density plantations- intensive and especially super-intensive plantations-we will have to take into consideration the high plantation and depreciation costs (12-15 years in the case of super-intensive plantations), in accordance with the data provided by several experts at recent seminars.

See Sources

Additional information

not all olive tree varieties are suitable for super-intensive cultivation, which requires varieties of limited vigour, small size and compact growth habit. The later requisites favour the adequate hedge volume and consistency that are necessary for effective harvesting using self-propelled harvesters. Super-intensive plantations are still too young so that to conclusions can be gathered about their cultivation practices beyond 15 years of tree life.