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Agriculture | n. m.
Cultivation practice that consists in cutting or removing some tree branches in order to control the tree´s form and production. The following types of pruning stand out: formation pruning, production pruning, summer pruning, regeneration pruning and renewal pruning.


Prune newly planted olives by re-moving the leading shoot when it is about 1.5m tall; select 3 to 5 strong laterals to provide the basic branch structure. Subsequent pruning consists of removing older branches to encourage the growth of new shoots, since fruits are produced on one-year-old wood mostly at the edges of the tree canopy.

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Additional information

pruning is a necessary operation in order to maintain the balance between the tree´s vegetation and production. This operation modifies the natural shape of the tree, it invigorates the tree and prevents its excessive development.


Agriculture | n. m.
Olive tree trimmings.


A central composition design was developed to study the influence of process variables (temperature, pulping time and ethanol concentration) on the properties of the pulp produced (yield and holocellulose, a-cellulose and lignin contents) and the pH of the resulting wastewater, in the ethanol pulping of olive tree trimmings.

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Agriculture | n. m.
time of the year when olive trees are pruned. It takes place between the end of January until the end of March, depending on the plantation area.


This is olive tree pruning time and I have been pruning for the last 4 weekends. Judging by the amount I need to prune, I must have been negligent last year. After noting that the pickers last November had trouble getting to those olives I am concentrating on removing lower branches.

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