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Olive olils | adj.
an olive tree variety of high robustness, upright bearing, thick crown density, and elliptical-shaped lanceolate leaves, characterized by resistance to drought, but high sensitivity to olive leaf spot and verticillium wilt, sensitivity to olive knot and black spot, average cropping precocity and average productivity; its fruits show very high resistance to detachment, which hampers mechanized harvest.


The Morisca variety is native to the estate and is only grown in a small area of Extremadura. It has very low yields and is expensive to use, but it is the source of this oils distinct buttery feel.

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Additional information

the "Morisca" variety ranks 6th in importance (surface x 1000 ha) in Spain. It is grown in the province of Badajoz.


Olive olils | adj.
the olive fruit from the namesake variety, characterized by its being very weighty and having an ovoid shape, a rounded apex with incipient nipple, black colour when ripe, high fat yield, and dual purpose variety.


Most interesting to me though is the oil from the Morisca olives, which are unique to the area; this variety offers a fair bit of pepper, and interesting fruit, almost apricot in a way, with a touch of green grass and green tomato in there, too.

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Olive olils | adj.
olive oil manufactured with olives from the namesake variety, characterized by a sweet, fruity, slightly predominant bitter and pungent taste, with high oleic acid content and average linoleic acid content.


The Morisca olive oil presents positive characteristics of green fruitiness, with highlights of fresh grass, green almond, dried fruit, tomato, vanilla and banana. It is a very well balanced oil, emphasized by its sweetness, with a very agreeable, light bitter taste and a note of spice.

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