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Olive olils | n. phr.
an olive tree variety of average robustness, upright bearing, thick crown density and lanceolate leaves, characterized by its adaptability to cold, sensitivity to olive leaf spot and olive knot, and high productivity; its fruits show average resistance to detachment.


In 1984, a group of local people working together came up with the idea of creating an olive oil cooperative to manage the production of local olive growers, who cultivate the Verdial de Badajoz olive native to the province. Today, the cooperative has some 350 members and encompasses 1,400 hectares of verdial olive groves.

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the "Verdial de Badajoz" variety ranks 15th in importance (surface x 1000 ha) in Spain. It is grown in the provinces of Badajoz and Cáceres/Caceres, and in Portugal.


Olive olils | n. phr.
the olive fruit from the namesake variety, characterized by its being very weighty and having an ovoid shape, a pointed apex with visible nipple, black colour when ripe, high fat yield, and dual purpose variety.


The Verdial variety is used for both direct consuming and for olive oil mill, where they are prized for their high oil yield (around 22%).

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Olive olils | n. phr.
olive oil manufactured with olives from the namesake variety, characterized by a sweet, fruity, and slightly predominant bitter and pungent taste, with low oleic acid content, high linoleic acid content, and low stability.


Under the brand name Verdial Lácara our oil has been judged to be one of the best in Extremadura, and its excellence has been recognized at the competitions Extrema Selección 2002 and I Concurso Nacional de Aceite de Oliva Virgen Extra Ecológico.

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PDO Monterrubio.