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Commerce | n. phr.
An instrument of communication which is based on recurring meetings, normally held every year, in which professionals of a particular productive sector and public institutions participate in order to publicize products and to encourage commercial relations.


The 16th Montoro Olive Tree Trade Fair is designed to highlight the important economic role played by the olive sector, to seek out solutions to the difficult and complex problems involved in the production and sale of its products, and to raise awareness about the latest innovations in machiner y and technological and scientific advances [.

Additional information

Each participant in a trade fair is assigned a space for the stand in which samples are displayed, as well as information and eye-catching material. Manufacturers participating in these fairs expect to obtain immediate sales of the exhibited products to visitors of the stand. The effectiveness of fairs lies in reaching the greatest number of customers in the shortest amount of time. The most important fair worldwide for the olive-oil producing industry is expOliVA, an international fair of olive oil and related industries that was first held in 1983. It takes place in Jaén (Spain) every two years.