See +


Olive olils | n. m.
an olive tree variety of average robustness, upright bearing, average crown density, and elliptical-shaped lanceolate leaves, characterized by resistance to cold but sensitivity to drought, resistance to olive leaf spot but sensitivity to olive knot and black spot; very late cropping and low productivity.


Although in other nearby sections the Gordal tree produces a fair quantity of this fruit, it generally has a more elongated shape. In this same terrain there is also the Gordal tree which, because of the nature of the soil, etc., produces a considerate quantity of Queens which do not develop to the standards of Gordals, and which are called "Gordalillas".

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Additional information

the "Gordal" variety ranks 14th in importance (surface x 1000 ha) in Spain. It is grown in the province of Sevilla/Seville. It is the most widely found variety outside Spain, particularly in the USA. The name refers to the size of its fruits (from Spanish gordo, which means


Olive olils | n. m.
the olive fruit from the namesake variety, characterized by its being very weighty and having an ovoid shape, a rounded apex with no nipple, black colour when ripe, very low fat yield, and suitability for pickling.


Gordal olives, which are available stuffed or whole, can be served as a snack, an hors d"oeuvre, or as a complement to salads and other foods.

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