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Olive olils | n. phr.
an olive tree variety of high robustness, open bearing, thick crown density, and lanceolate leaves, characterized by adaptability to limey soils and resistance to drought, sensitivity to olive knot, high sensitivity to olive leaf spot and verticillium wilt, precocious cropping and high productivity; its fruits show very high resistance to detachment, which hampers mechanized harvest.


Lechín de Granada was more tolerant than Manzanillo to sodium excess, as indicated by greater shoot growth and lower accumulation of sodium, especially in the young leaves.

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Additional information

the "Lechín de Granada" variety ranks 12th in importance (surface x 1000 ha) in Spain. It is grown in the provinces of Almería/Almeria, Granada and Murcia.


Olive olils | n. phr.
the olive fruit from the namesake variety, characterized by its having an average weight, an ovoid shape, a rounded apex with no nipple, black colour when ripe, high fat yield, and dual purpose variety.


The highest content of oleanolic acid was observed in oils from Lechin de Granada cultivars with a mean concentration of 78.83 and 62.25 mg/kg, respectively.

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Olive olils | n. phr.
olive oil manufactured with olives from the namesake variety, characterized by a sweet, fruity, and slightly predominant bitter and pungent taste, with high oleic acid content, low linoleic acid, average polyphenol content, and average stability.


The high quality "Lechín de Granada" olive oil obtained has a yellow color and is one of the most stable ones, even more than Picual olive oil.

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