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Olive olils | adj.
an olive tree variety of average robustness, open bearing, average crown density and elliptical-shaped leaves, characterized by its adaptability to limey and humid soils and to cold, resistance to olive leaf spot, high sensitivity to verticillium wilt, olive knot and leprosy, precocious cropping and high productivity; its fruits show high resistance to detachment, which facilitates mechanized harvest.


There are 60,000 hectares of Picudo olive trees in Baena and Priego de Córdoba as well as Málaga and Granada.

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the "Picudo" variety ranks 10th in importance (surface x 1000 ha) in Spain. It is grown in the provinces of Córdoba/Cordoba and Granada.


Olive olils | adj.
the olive fruit from the namesake variety, characterized by its being very weighty and having a ovoid shape, a rounded apex with prominent nipple, black colour when ripe, average fat yield, and dual purpose variety.


The Picudo olive with its lovely unique pointed end like a peak which is from where the name is derived, is generally found in the Andausian regions of Malaga, Jaen, Granada and especially Baena in Cordoba. It is a sweet and fruity olive with soft juicy flesh and makes for a popular table olive in both the green and black varieties.

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Olive olils | adj.
olive oil manufactured with olives from the namesake variety, characterized by a barely sweet, very fruity, and predominant bitter and pungent taste, with low oleic acid content, average linoleic acid content, low polyphenol content, and low stability.


Picudo olive oil is from Cordoba, Jaen, Granada and Malaga. [...] Use it to drizzle on mild, delicate dishes, with buttery salad greens, and fruit gazpachos, and when baking sweets or frying fish. This is indeed a preferred one in those varieties of Spanish olive oil.

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PDOs Baena, Montoro-Adamuz, Poniente de Granada, Priego de Córdoba.